Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Reflections on Using Teacherweb

1. Describe at least 2 ways that the use of a class web site like TeacherWeb could be used to support your future teaching. Provide some specific details for each example.

One way you could use Teacherweb is to have communication between parents and yourself. You could provide information like the lunch menu, a calendar of classroom events, what to do in the event of a school closure, what projects your students are working on, etc. This allows parents to have another avenue of being involved in their children's academics.
Another way to use Teacherweb is to use it as a resource for future years of your teaching. You could have a calendar of events that could help keep you on track throughout the semester or year. Having pages dedicated to lists of Lessons you have done, in the order you did them, can help you repeat and implement successful lesson plans or units in future years. This will also be a good resource for other teachers in your building to know what you are doing throughout the year.

2. Identify 2 ways students could use a class web site like TeacherWeb to enhance their learning. Provide some details for each way identified.

One way students can use Teacherweb is as an organizational tool for themsekves. By checking back frequently (if you post things frequently and keep things updated!) students can use this if say they forget their agenda at school and have no idea if they have homework due the following day.
Another way students can use Teacherweb is as a place where they can check their grades and progress more often than the report card that are sent home twice a year or the progress reports that are updated every month or so. Students could go online weekly or after they turn in a major assignment to see how that affected their grade. When students know what their grade is on any given day, they might be more influenced to actually DO more things in the classroom.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blogs and Wikis In Education

1) I searched the Yahoo, Google and MSN search engines for "Eduational Blogs". The results for Google and MSN were nearly identical, Yahoo was mostly the same results with a few new options. Specific sites like Top 100 Education Blogs | OEDb, and Kathy Schrock -- Educational Technology Blogs were both the top results for Google and MSN (Bing), while Educational Blog Education Articles Schools RSS Feeds ... was the first results for Yahoo.

2) 3 interesting ways blogs and wikis are being used are 1) they are a resource for teacher's professional development, 2) they can let teachers communicate with each other and bounce ideas off each other about situation, or just one experienced teacher giving advice to others and 3) they introduce teachers to actual ideas, tools, products and other physical resources that teachers can use for educational activities, or just for fun. I navigated to Tammy Worcester's Tech Tip of the Week. This site is extremely useful because it has technological based "tips", ideas, and descriptions of tools that teachers can use.

3) RSS Readers or Aggregators are basically a way to maintain an idea of what is going on in the websites you frequent the most. Instead of having to individually search for the new things that have happened on your favorite sites, you can just use a RSS Reader to see if any new posts, updates, etc have occurred on the websites. You could use RSS Readers and Aggregators in your classroom by using them to keep on top of topics that you could be going through with your students. I navigated to Tammy Worcester's Tech Tip of the Week. This site is extremely useful because it has technological based "tips", ideas, and descriptions of tools that teachers can use.

4) 3. The Pros for using blogs and wikis in education are numerous. We live in a technological based world and integrating technology, especially the internet and its resources into the classroom will introduce students to these tools in a safe learning environment. Using blogs and wikis in your classroom can also simplify communication between teacher and parents, and have another way for students themselves to communicate with their teacher. The Cons for using blogs and wikis, in my personal opinion, stem from the problem that not all students and parents have access to the internet on a regular basis so that a teacher can become "dependent" on blogs and wikis for communication between parents and the teacher, or between the teacher and their students.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

1. Discuss which of the core characteristics best describe you and your learning style.

When I completed the Multiple Intelligence survery, my results showed I was strong in the Kinesthetic category. The core characteristic that best describes me and my learning style is Sensory.

2. Discuss what students with this type of intelligence enjoy, are like, or tend to do within classroom settings.

Students with this type of intelligence interact readily with their environment and enjoy doing hands on activities. Students with strong Kinesthetic and Sensory intelligence characteristics usually prefer to work up out of their seats and are active learners.

3. Discuss how you will support this type of intelligence within your classroom and within your teaching.

I will support this type of intelligence in my classroom by providing hands on activities and interactive situations. I will encourage and stimulate learning with manipulatives in math and science. Physical representations of concepts or ideas will be incorporated into my classroom on a daily basis.

4. Discuss what technologies stimulate thus type of intelligence.

Types of technology that will stimulate Kinesthetic and specifically sensory intelligence include, but are not limited to real life items students would see in their own households like kitchen utensils and construction tools and manipulative materials like perhaps building blocks and counting sticks.

5. And finally, discuss how you might impact student learning by applying your understanding of learning styles and multiple intelligences within your classroom.

I will positively impact student learning by using what I know about my own strengths, in this case specifically the Kinesthetic and sensory intelligence to foster the use of this intelligence in the minds of my students. Practically speaking, I can use this knowledge to set up my classroom in a more optimal learning environment because I will now provide kinesthetic intelligence technology like dining or place settings, manipulatives for math instead of just a white board and an oral explanation, and hands on learning centers where students can take instruction and knowledge and "do something".